I was out doing my morning jogging, when I noticed another person running about half a kilometer ahead of me. I sensed he was running somewhat slower than me, which meant there was an opportunity to overtake him. I said to myself that I will catch up with him in no time, and started running little faster. Every block, I was gaining on him a little bit. After just a few minutes when I reached within 100 feet of him, I really picked up the pace and pushed myself to go faster. I was determined to get ahead of him.
Finally I did it! I caught up and passed him. Inside me, I felt very good and had a sense of accomplishment on beating him. Of course, he was not even aware that we were racing, and he kept running as usual with his pace.
Only after I passed him, I realized that I had been so focused on racing against him that I had missed my turn to my house. I also missed the focus on my inner joy that I get from daily jogging sessions. I forgot to appreciate the green surroundings, and even stumbled once in my hurry to overtake him, barely escaping falling down and getting a fracture. Was all this hurry really worth it?
And then the wisdom dawned on me. Isn’t it what happens in life when we waste our energy in competing with class-mates, co-workers, neighbors, family and friends, trying to outdo them and show ourselves to be more successful and important? We gain very little by doing this, but we miss on the happiness in our own surroundings in the bargain. We devote our time in running this race, and we forget to focus on our essential mission in life – our own path and destination.
The problem with this unhealthy competition is that it is a negative spiral that never ends. There will always be someone ahead of you – with a better job, bigger house, more expensive car, wealthier, better educated, more successful children, etc. Do not stray from your path in trying to catch up with others. Live your life in accordance with your mission – focus on things that are important for you.
Whenever, you are faced with an urge to compare and compete, just remember this 5 point formula:
- Comparison and competition are thieves of joy. They kill the joy of living your own life.
- Each of us have our own destiny, there is no competition in this respect.
- Take whatever you have, your height, weight, personality.. accept it as it is and realize that you are blessed with what you have. Stay focused on your path and live a haapy and healthy life.
- At times, you may feel insecure when you pay too much attention others, what they wear, what they do, where they go, or what they say. Instead, you should try to live life in your own way. You can bring out the best in you when you are not competing with anyone.
- Run your own race, at your individual pace, and it will lead to a peaceful, healthy, and happy life.