Lessons from Sudoku

Since the time I solved my first Sudoku puzzle two years back, I became a big fan of Sudoku, and regularly spend my leisure time on it. Over time, it gets more and more interesting. Solving a puzzle of this nature also teaches you many lessons of life such as the following:
  • If you do not give up, impossible becomes possible
  • With regular practice, complex tasks become routine
  • Do not get bogged down by the size of the problem; Concentrate on the small steps towards the solution
  • Do what you can within your circle of influence, and it will help grow the circle.
  • At times, it is best to let the puzzle solve itself and not fight it
  • The pace is very slow initially, but picks up 2x, 5x, or even 20x as you pick up momentum

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sanjay,
    Great views.These will definitly boost our self confidence and inspire us to become better (positive) individuals. Keep writing.


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