A Test of Modesty

Humility /Modesty is a vital virtue, and all of us think we are humble and modest. What about you? Do you believe the same about yourself? Why not take this simple test of modesty to confirm? Imagine that you are asked to find someone lower than you and help him, what will be your response? Note it down and read the story below to check your results.

A rich man went to his guru and said, "I want to develop humility, please guide me." The guru suggested that he help someone who is lower than him.

He did that and came back to the guru and said, "I have helped a poor man today with money. Am I humble now?"

The guru said, "No", and asked him to help another man lower than him.

The man kept helping poor people and coming back, but the guru kept asking him to do more.

After repeated visits to different people, he became impatient and finally asked the guru, "When will I become humble?"

The wise guru replied, "As long as you keep finding people lower than you, you are not humble. You will have obtained humility when you can no longer find anyone that you think is lower than you in any way!"

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