Take a look at the following beautiful shloka:
यं शैवा: समुपासते शिव इति ब्रह्मेति वेदान्तिनो
बौद्धा बुद्ध इति प्रमाणपटव: कर्तेति नैयायिका:।
अर्हन्नित्यथ जैनशासनरता: कर्मेति मीमांसका:
सोऽयं नो विदधातु वांछितफलं त्रैलोक्यनाथो हरि:।।
It means the following in Hindi and English:
हिंदी भावार्थ
वे तीन लोक के नाथ श्री हरि हमें मनवांछित फल प्रदान करें जिनकी उपासना
- शैव, 'शिव' मानकर करते हैं,
- वेदांती 'ब्रह्म' मानकर उपासते हैं,
- बौध्द 'बुध्द' की तरह
- तर्क-पटु नैयायिक जिसकी 'कर्ता' मानकर आराधना करते हैं
- जैन लोग जिसे 'अर्हंत' मानते हैं
- मीमांसक जिसे 'कर्म' बताकर पूजते हैं
English Meaning
May the Lord of the universe grant us our wishes who is worshipped by
- the Shaiva as Shiva,
- the Vedantins as Brahman
- the Buddhists as Buddha
- the Naiyaayikas who specialize in knowledge as 'Karta"
- the Jains as Arhant
- the ritualists of the Mimamsa school as Karma
There is a very powerful implication behind these simple words. This prayer holds the key to bridging the religious differences and the resultant problems. It implies that it is a myth that we worship different Gods; instead, we worship the same God in different forms, and give Him different names. Every religion says that God is all powerful being, present everywhere. How is it possible to have more than one instances of such an all powerful being? It has to be the same God for everyone.
And when it is the same God for both of us, can there be a reason for any difference between you and me?
Just think about it.
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