Positive Reading

Normally, we read a book in one go from cover to cover and then put it on the shelf. While this gives us an overall idea about the material, for maximum benefit, we need to practice "Positive Reading" In Positive Reading, you approach the book with a deep, driving desire to learn something new from the book, and derive maximum benefit from it as a result. Here are some tips on how to go about it.
  • Do not just read as a passive audience. Read actively with a pencil or highlighter in hand. When you come across an interesting idea, pause and highlight or underscore it. This will also help you quickly review the book later.
  • As you read, stop frequently and ask yourself how you can you use this information.
  • Review a chapter again before going on to the next one and think about what you have learned. At least take a look at the portions you have highlighted.
  • Apply the new knowledge in real life situations. Knowledge becomes useful only when you apply it.
  • The best way to learn something is to teach it. Try to read as though you are going to teach it to your spouse, your child, or a friend today or tomorrow, while it is still fresh, and notice the difference in your mental and emotional process.
If you approach every book that you read in this way, you will not only remember what you read, but you will have a deeper understanding on the subject, and will be more motivated to apply the learning. Happy Reading !!

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