5 Habits that make me ineffective

Why is it that at times in spite of working very hard, we do not come across effective in our job or personal life?
I read an interesting article by Sanjeev Sinha in Economic Times that listed 10 bad Habits that could cause this situation.
I picked up top 5 bad habits from the article that I have experienced myself. My experience has been that just being aware of the habit itself gives you a great advantage, and even a small step taken towards correcting any of these habits gives us rich dividends on the job and in our life.

Lack of Planning
All of us are aware of the benefits of working with a plan, still most of us don’t have our agenda in place for the day, week or month. There are no set goals on what we want to achieve. Very often, we simply reach our workplace and then decide on the work to be executed. If you feel this habit is affecting your productivity, you can correct it quite easily. Just start to spend a few minutes every morning thinking about what to do today.

Improper Time Management
We have often seen people around us who are always complaining of too much load on them, as well as people who seem to be doing their work well and have time at hand to take up more. The main difference is that these people manage their time exceptionally well. If you find yourself running out of time very often, you should look at improving your time management skills. A good book to read on the subject is "Eat That Frog" by Brian Tracy.

Not Being a Team Player
I have learned from my own experience that being bright and sharp at work is not enough to grow in an organization beyond a point. If I cannot work well in a team, and do not adjust with fellow employees, I will find it harder to grow on the job.

email Addiction
Internet and email has revolutionized the way we communicate and the ease of communication has increased productivity, but a new habit of depending on the emails is hampering the efficiency. There are times, when I get so much dependent on emails that I start using it to determine the work I need to do. Hence if the inbox is empty, I assume that the work is done. This certainly needs to be corrected since very often, the highest priority work is not covered by emails, that are primarily focused on the urgent stuff.

Lack of Punctuality
In a professional work environment, reaching late to office and even in interdepartmental meetings can cause enough damage to one’s career. A big irritant to many, this also impacts productivity.

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