Ten Pearls of Wisdom

  1. Right now, this is life; so make the most of it. You have the power to affect the lives of millions of people in a positive way by your actions, or you could bring down the mood of people around you.
  2. Focus on being consciously aware of all things in your life, from your emotions to your reactions. Only the light of your awareness can help you make changes.
  3. Work on the art of letting go, rather than needing all the answers and all the assurances. You will never have them.
  4. You have a choice whether you want to focus on the positive or negative. Exercise that choice today and live a happy life.
  5. If you keep doing what you have always done, you'll keep getting the same results. You can not reach a new place by following the old path.
  6. If you are not enjoying the journey, it's possible that you are in wrong lane. Don't be afraid to start all over again in a new direction. It is never too late in life.
  7. See every obstacle from a new perspective, a different mindset, and not as a stop sign. See them as an opportunity to grow.
  8. Whatever problem you have, it's likely that someone else has had the same issue and has already provided a solution.
  9. At times, people may not treat you well, but If you give someone long enough, they will show you their positive side.
  10. Holding a grudge against another harms you much more than anyone else. Find a better use for your time and energy.

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