Putting Everything Together

Ritwik was telling his grandma how "everything" is going wrong everywhere. He has been facing problems with on-line classes by his School during lockdown, and if that is not enough, there are fights with his sister, and the constant fear of the pandemic. Looks like all the fun is gone from the life.

While listening to his complaints, the grandma was occupied in baking a cake. She asked Ritwik if he would like a snack, which of course he agreed. 

"Here, try some cooking oil", she offered. 
"Yuck" said Ritwik.

"How about a couple raw eggs?", she offered again.
 "Gross, Grandma!", he replied. 

"Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?", she asked. 
"Grandma, those are all yucky!", he said. 

"The cake is ready now, try it", she offered once more.
"This is really delicious grandma, like all your cakes", he was delighted.

Grandma said, "See, the ingredients taste bad if served alone all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way and baked, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!" 

She continued, "It works the same way in life. When we encounter a difficult situation, we wonder why God would let us go through such testing times. But when He puts these events together in our life in proper order, they work wonders for us, and eventually make our life beautiful". 

So instead of complaining about our problems, let us trust Him with patience and wait for our cake to be fully baked.

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