Ten Principles for Stress Management

According to Aparijita Bhooshan, we can overcome stress if we nurture cosmic life energy by following these 10 principles:

1. Silence:
Noise disturbs the underlying life forces in our nerves. Listening and speaking use up precious energy. Retreat once in a while and give the nerves a chance to rest and re-energise.

2. Be With Nature:
Nature is benevolent and absorbs all our negativity, and gifts us her inexhaustible cosmic energy through water, earth, fire and trees. Being with nature elevates the mood, cures various ailments and promotes emotional and spiritual well-being.

3. Release Destructive Thoughts:
Anger, worry, fear, rejection, jealousy, blame and guilt build up very damaging energy. We must release them. Forgiveness and gratitude bless us with peace.

4. Powerful Affirmations And Auto-suggestions:
Used repeatedly with faith, these clear the negative blueprints lodged in the subconscious mind. Recreate new images with powerful, positive affirmations beginning with “I am”.

5. Visualisation:
Imagination is the door through which disease and healing enter! All matter originates in an idea. By consciously visualising, we absorb extra light and energy from the cosmos and transform our cells.

6. Avoid Being Over-emotional:
Emotions are good as long as we are in control of them. They keep our hearts open to reaching out to others and experiencing the wonderful feelings of love and fulfillment. But fearful proportions of attachment could result in deep depression and disease.

7. Let Go:
Whatever it is that we carry forever, a past grudge, fear or hurtful memories, we tend to keep building on it, giving it more and more power until it becomes almost too big to look at and we are drained of energy within. Only when we learn to ‘let go’ will we experience a sense of abandon and freedom.

8. Live In The Now:
By constantly turning around to see the path travelled, how can we walk the road ahead? Let us remember the past only for the lessons we have learnt. Don’t reopen healing wounds.

9. Prayer:
Prayer is a luminous, self-generating energy. When we address ourselves to the Infinite Source of all energy, we embrace this inexhaustible power which sustains the universe. It cleanses the system of mental poisons and helps us receive His Grace.

10. Love:
It is all about love, which is light and energy. Wipe a tear, hold a trembling hand and give unconditional love. It will come back to you with healing. With love, we experience the highest state of consciousness and peace possible.

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