Life will be boring without Problems

We are often told to look at life's problems as opportunities, but another way to look at it is that
there will be no fun in life if we do not have any problems. A life free of challenges is a problem in itself, as it would be boring. Hence, we should welcome problems with open arms. Here are a few useful tips to ensure that we have a pleasant experience while facing the problems in life:

  • Do not postpone anything for tomorrow. Start doing it right now. (Do it Now).
  • If you could not finish anything today, do not worry. Try again tomorrow with fresh energy.
  • If its a multi-dimensional complex problem, break it into smaller parts and tackle them one by one. (Divide and Conquer).
  • Do not get overwhelmed if you have too many tasks to be completed. Make a prioritized list and tackle them one by one.
  • Fully focus your energy and attention on the task that you are doing to ensure maximum chances of success.
  • Do not wait for the best way to do a task. Do it with the available way, and gradually work on improvements. (Best is the enemy of good.)
  • Be Positive and always hope for the best. (B+)
  • Do not wait for a trouble free time in future. Keep trying now in spite of problems.
  • Do not give up ever. You are defeated when you stop trying. (Never Give up).

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