Recharge Your Batteries Daily

We know how important it is to charge our smartphone battery everyday. We depend so heavily on the phone that we dread the situation when the battery runs out and the phone goes dead. Everywhere you can see a familiar sight of people next to a power socket charging their phones.

Why don't we watch our own batteries with equal eagerness and recharge them regularly? When it comes to our own well-being, we tend to neglect it to a point that the batteries are about to run out. The most common excuse for this is, "I am too busy right now, will do it next week / month."

It reminds me of the woodcutter, who was working to saw down a tree. He was exhausted from working for hours. Someone noticed that his saw has gone blunt and suggested that he take a break to sharpen the saw. The woodcutter replied, "I don't have time to sharpen the saw, I'm busy sawing!"

Are we not a victim of the same syndrome? Why can't we take enough time for improving ourselves on a regular basis so that we are better equipped to tackle the challenges of life?

We are sum total of four distinct parts – Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit and we need to continuously charge our batteries in these four areas. You can call them four dimensions of well-being that need to be nurtured to achieve the right balance. If we ignore any one of these aspects, it will affect our happiness adversely.

Let us find out more about what these parts are and how can we take care of them.

Physical well-being relates to our body and health.
We need regular exercise, adequate rest, and healthy diet to stay physically fit.
If we ignore our health for a prolonged period, it may cause an illness, reducing our capacity to work.

Mental well-being is about knowledge, thinking, and intellect.
We need to recharge our mental ability by reading and learning new things.
This helps us do the same job with a deeper understanding, and equips us to take on more challenging tasks.

Another important dimension is Emotional well-being, which includes relationships and trust.
The work alone cannot give us a happy and satisfied life.
We need to invest in close relationships within our family and friend circle for emotional well-being.

The fourth dimension is spiritual well-being, which is about the meaning in life, purpose, values and religion.
When we take time to think and discover our mission in life, it can have a truly energizing effect on all areas of our life.

So, every evening when you plug your phone into the charger, remind yourself that you need to charge your own batteries as well. As you go through your day, find opportunities to recharge yourself in any of the four dimensions. This will pave the way to long lasting happiness.

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