My Three Reasons for Getting Up Early

I am an early riser, regularly getting up early in the morning every day. Though it is more of a habit now, but if I think carefully, since I started doing it, the practice has given me many benefits, keeping my motivation intact. Let me list three key benefits that I have experienced from it.

1. My Way of Staying Healthy

Waking up early has a very positive impact on my health. It gives me time to exercise, to go for a walk, do yoga exercises, or go to the gym with plenty of time at hand.

It also ensures that I have time in the morning for a proper breakfast. If I started my day late, I may have to rush for work, and may land up skipping breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for me, and I strongly believe that it prepares me to face the day and keeps me healthy.

Proper routine of exercise and diet are vital factors in ensuring good health in the long run. Therefore I can safely say that getting up early is my way of staying healthy.

2. Start the Day on a Positive Note

I have found from experience that to maintain a positive mindset, it is helpful to start the day on a positive note.  The fresh and serene early morning hours, the quietness in the air, the chirping of birds, the absence of traffic noise, and the majestic sun rise really brighten up my mood.

Getting up early gives me this much needed positive start, and charges me with a sense of optimism for the rest of the day.

3. Boost My Productivity

Starting my day well also helps me be more productive during the day. Studies have shown that early risers are more efficient and productive at work.

One think I strongly dislike is to rush myself. By getting up early, I manage to get ready on time, beat the traffic and drive to work at ease without rushing myself.

It also gives me time for myself in the morning, time to read newspaper, solve daily puzzles, or just do meditation. This time for myself helps calm my mind and sharpen my reflexes to arm myself for the busy schedule later.

Just try it out for a few days yourself. Get out of the bed early and you will experience the advantages of being an early riser. 


  1. Very appreciable and admirable Sanjay Ji...��������

  2. Yes ,Sanjay ji ,it's a very good habit to get up early in the morning ....


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