If You want to Stay Healthy..

A positive attitude is necessary in life to keep ourselves happy; but does it play a role in staying healthy as well? We all have seen instances around us of positive people being healthy, but is it just a coincidence? What role can our thoughts have in us getting a viral infection?

When we respond negatively to people and situations, we set in motion a negative trend in our entire body system.

All our emotions are connected to the endocrine, nervous and immune systems through our thoughts and feelings. If the systems are negatively charged, they set in motion a chain of negative reactions. Hence we need to respond carefully to situations in life.

American journalist Norman Cousins used this to recover from fatal sickness. He was so ill that his doctors gave up on him. To cheer himself up, he rented really humorous movies and began watching them regularly. He noticed that he was able to sleep better, felt less pain, and gradually recovered. He wrote of his experience in the British Medical Journal.

Art Mathias was allergic to hundreds of food items including fiber. The prognosis being bad, and doctors reluctantly gave up on him. One day, he listened to a teaching on forgiveness and simply decided to forgive those who hurt him. He suddenly realized from that day he could eat many foods, to which he was allergic. Even his skin allergies stopped. Behind this phenomenal healing was the major shift he made in his thinking from harboring bitterness to forgive.

For both Norman and Art, the turning point was their attitude towards health and hurts.

We don't always know everything about illness but a recent study says 82 per cent of all physical sickness is caused by emotions. It is extremely wise to respond positively to every crisis and disappointment in life.

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