A Lesson with Laughter

Today, let me start with a couple of Jokes to get you laughing:

Joke 1:
Pappu was complaining to God - "Dear God, I have been praying for years to get a Lottery Prize, but you have not listened to my prayers".
God says to him, "Sure I will make you win the prize, but can you at least buy the ticket first?"

Joke 2:
A beggar asked Pappu, "I am hungry since morning, please help."
Pappu - "I have a 100 Rs note, do you have change?"
Beggar - "Yes"
Pappu - "Then use that money to get some food first"

For me, these relatively simple jokes have a great life lesson. There are times we wait for fortune to favor us without taking the first step that is fully in our control. Who knows, if we take the first step, the way to next steps may be opened to us. Therefore I resolve to do what is within my circle of influence as it is a necessary condition for making anything good happen in my life.

Also, we very often ignore the invaluable gifts that we have in life. We do not have a realistic appreciation about our assets. Do we take time to stop and count our blessings? While we yearn for more like the beggar in the joke, we do not realize that right now there are things in life that we can appreciate and enjoy. I resolve to look carefully at what I have and make sure to appreciate and enjoy it before getting into a mad rush after more "things".

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