An Inspiring Story of Faith

A couple was peacefully going in a boat across a broad river. The husband was rowing the boat. Suddenly out of nowhere, the waves started rocking the boat and the current got stronger by the second. It was becoming almost impossible to control the boat. Help from another boat was out of question as they knew very well that they were all alone in the waters.

The wife was terrified completely. Initially there was only panic in her face but as the rocking increased, she started weeping uncontrollably. To her utter surprise her husband’s face was peaceful in spite of the uncertainty to life. But in the midst of this roaring wave of tides and currents she could only think about living through it. With great effort, the husband could somehow control the boat and they reached the bank safe.

The wife let go a big sigh of relief on escaping alive from the ordeal, but the husband continued to be calm and collected. She finally could not keep her curiosity under check, and asked her husband, “I saw your face there; it was as if nothing had happened at all. Of course you were trying hard to save us from drowning but you were at complete ease. How was that possible? Why didn’t you panic?”

The husband smiled pleasantly and drew a small knife from his pocket. He pointed it towards her throat and asked, “Are you scared now?”

The wife burst out laughing and said,“We have lived together for so many years now. We have shared more than our lives…I know you better than any person in the world. I believe you. How could you point a knife and expect me to panic?”

“Exactly!” said the husband, “Even my relation with my God is long enough for me to trust him. Not even for a nanosecond did I have a thought that the waters would topple the boat. I knew he wouldn’t do that to us." 

"I had no reason to panic, I simply believed him!"

How often do we start fearing the worse when faced with an adversity? Do we ever pose a faith so strong in God in difficult situations? I am sure if we do it, He would not have let His children down. 

अक्सर जब हम उम्मीद खो बैठते हैं और लगता है कि अब अंत पहुंचा - उस समय भगवान ऊपर से मुस्कराता है और कहता है, आराम से डियर, कोई अंत नहीं, यह सिर्फ एक मोड़ है!

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