Your Best Teacher

We all agree that a good teacher can change the course of your entire life. Most people can recall at least one teacher in their life who was instrumental in shaping them. It may not be easy to pinpoint one or two key areas where he made a difference, but if we think carefully, a teacher helps us in the following ways (and more):
  • He imparts you with the knowledge that you need
  • He is an able guide who shows you the right direction
  • He motivates you towards action
  • He monitors your progress and corrects when necessary
  • He understands you well as a person, your strengths, weaknesses, what motivates you and what puts you off. 
  • He has strong belief in your abilities and affirms you, even when you have self-doubt
There are many situations in which you may find that self-learning is the best option; i.e. you are the best teacher for yourself. Let us take a closer look at it to see why it makes sense:  
  • While a teacher can give us knowledge, we ourselves are responsible for any learning that we go through. 
  • When we work on creating a sound value system, it can act as the magnetic north to us, and point us the right direction
  • It is a well known fact that self-motivation is the key to achieve success in any endeavor,
  • Since we are so close to ourselves, we can track our progress more accurately than anybody else.
  • Who can understands us better than we ourselves? We know our strengths, weaknesses, and preferences only too well. 
  • Belief and affirmation are key areas where a teacher's role is vital. But as our own teacher, we can develop a strong self-belief in our abilities and learn to use self-affirmations.  
So, let us get into a habit of self-learning. This makes us our own best teacher.

Why not be your own sculptor?

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