Ten Commandments for Staying Happy

One day passes without happiness and you lose one day. One day passes with happiness and you gain one day. Here is some useful and inspiring advice for staying happy. 
  1. Spend the money that should be spent, enjoy what should be enjoyed, donate what you are able to donate, save the rest for future.
  2. Don’t worry about what will happen after we are gone, because when we return to dust, we will feel nothing about praises or criticism. The time to enjoy worldly life and your hard-earned wealth will be over.
  3. Care for your children, love them, and help them develop into good human beings. However, don’t worry excessively about them, for they will have their own destiny and will find their own way. 
  4. Enjoy your money while you can. Life should have more to it than working from cradle to grave. 
  5. No amount of money may buy you the lost health, so don’t trade in health for wealth by working tirelessly to an early grave.
  6. Keep asking yourself, “When should I stop making money? How much is enough?” At the end, you can eat only three meals a day and need eight square meters of space to rest at night. When your savings are enough to meet your future needs, its time to take the plunge.
  7. In a good spirit, sickness will cure. In a happy spirit, sickness will cure more rapidly. In high and happy spirits, sickness will never come. Above all, learn to cherish the goodness around and friends. They all make you feel young and wanted.
  8. Stress means gap between expectations and reality. More the gap, more the stress. Expect nothing and accept everything. Don’t believe in the ‘tit for tat’ rule, because we can’t bite a dog who has bitten us, so don’t spoil your level to get even with others.
  9. Learn to let go, because you can't have the next breath until you let go the existing one.


  1. Dinesh VashishthMay 25, 2024

    Really wonderful suggestions.
    One must brood over these tips in its walks.
    Great Sanjay Bhai.

    1. Thanks a lot Dinesh ji


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