An Inspiring Song

As a child, I had a 78 RPM vinyl disk with a non-filmi bhajan sung by Mukesh, that went like this.

नैतिकता की सुर सरिता में, जन जन मन पावन हो
संयममय जीवन हो

It was my favorite song, and I used to play it very often. However, with time, we lost our treasure of these Vinyl records and gradually I forgot the exact words of the songs as well, but it continued to haunt my memories over the years. I was thrilled when I could locate a youtube video that had a small fraction of this record. Listen to this video below and you will get a feel of the song.

Some more search on internet helped me assemble the lyrics of the song as well and I discovered that it is Anuvrat Geet by Acharya Tulsi. Here is the inspiring song that talks about self-discipline, good values, friendship, and principled living. I am also adding my interpretation of the meaning of this song below. (Warning - It may not be an accurate translation.) 

नैतिकता की सुर सरिता में, जन जन मन पावन हो
संयममय जीवन हो

May we adopt morality and good values to purify ourselves and live a life with Sanyam.

अपने से अपना अनुशासन संयम की परिभाषा,
वर्ण जाति या सम्प्रदाय से मुक्त धर्म की भाषा,
छोटे छोटे संकल्पों से मानस परिवर्तन हो
संयममय जीवन हो

Sanyam means self-control or self-discipline. It is a universal principle applicaple to everyone irrespective of his sect, caste or creed. May we exercise self-control and build willpower by making small resolves and keeping them.

मैत्री भाव हमारा सबसे प्रतिदिन बढता जाए
समता सह-अस्तित्व समन्वय-नीति सफलता पाए
शुद्ध साध्य् के लिये नियोजित मात्र शुद्ध साधन हो
संयममय जीवन हो

May we get more and more friendly with each other, following the values of equality, co-existence, and co-operation.
Since a noble cause does not justify unfair means to be employed, may we always employ just means for just ends.


विध्यार्थी या शि़क्षक हो मज़दूर और व्यापारी
नर हो नारी बने नीतिमय जीवनचर्या सारी
कथनी-करनी की समानता मे गतिशील चरन हो
संयममय जीवन हो

May everyone adopts a lifestyle based on principles and values. May we treat integrity as a key value to be pursued; do as we say and say as we do.

प्रभु बनकर के ही हम प्रभु की पूजा कर सकते हैं
प्रामाणिक बनकर ही संकट सागर तर सकते हैं
आज अहिंसा शौर्य वीर्य संयुत जीवन दर्शन हो
संयममय जीवन हो

What better way to worship God than to try to imbibe His qualities and follow the path shown by Him? We need to be authentic and genuine to squarely face the enormous challenges in life. May we adopt the right attitude with a perfect blend of courage and non-violence.

सुधरे व्यक्ति समाज व्यक्ति से राष्ट्र स्वयं सुधरेगा
तुलसी अणु का सिंहनाद सारे जग में प्रसरेगा
मानवीय आचार संहिता में अर्पित तन-मन हो
संयममय जीवन हो

If all of us work on improving ourselves, this will gradually lead to the improvement of the society, and then the whole world.
May we dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of a moral code of conduct with good values.

Here is another video of the same song sung by  Rajendra Jain:

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