This Diwali, Let Us Strive for Emotional Prosperity

Wish you and your family happiness and prosperity on the auspicious occasion of Diwali, and this means not just financial prosperity alone, but Emotional Prosperity too. What does Emotional Prosperity mean and how can we achieve it?

When we have close and affectionate relationship with the friends and family members around us, it is a measure of our Emotional Prosperity. Just like financial prosperity provides us security, Emotional Prosperity fills our life with happiness that comes from a sense of love and belonging. This at times may be even more significant in our lives.

If we want to enjoy close relationship with someone, we need to build trust between us, and that requires that we make regular deposits in the Emotional Bank Account, to accumulate a healthy balance in it.

Making emotional deposits is not difficult at all once we understand the concept. Here are some easy ways to make emotional deposits. Let us keep a keen eye for any opportunities to make these deposits.

The Deposit of Listening

Just paying attention to someone and listening to him is a big emotional deposit. However, it is essential that you really listen without interrupting. Avoid daydreaming or planning your response as you listen with the intent to understand the person.

The Deposit of Affection

Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and holds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends. This is one area that we very often neglect. Try it with your close ones and you will be amazed to see its impact.

The Deposit of Laughter

Share jokes and funny stories on WhatsApp and email. Use humor in your interactions. This is your way of saying, "I like to laugh with you."

The Deposit of Written Note

The art of writing notes is gradually disappearing, but it can be a very handy emotional deposit. It can be a simple "Thank You", “Sorry”, or “Well Done” note, or can be a more elaborate expression of your feelings. A handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a life at times.

The Deposit of Appreciation

Very often we notice things worth appreciation in other, but we hold ourselves back from expressing it for various reasons. Sincere appreciation is one of the biggest emotional deposits. A simple and sincere, "You look great in in this dress”, "You did a great job" or "That was a tasty meal" can make someone's day. Go ahead and press the like button on Facebook more often. Add comments of genuine appreciation to the posts that you like. You do not gain anything by holding back your appreciation for something you like.

The Deposit of a Favor

When a friend is in need and you help him, it gives you double benefit. It is the easiest way to raise your happiness, and it also works well as an emotional deposit. Howsoever small is the favor, the thoughtfulness behind it helps build trust in your relationship. Make it a habit to look for ways to help a friend every day.

The Deposit of Solitude

There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. If you be sensitive to those times and let the person have the gift of solitude, you will make an emotional deposit.

The Deposit of Cheer

The easiest way to make someone feel good is to simply greet him cheerfully when you see her. Really, it's not that hard to say, Hi, Hello, or Good Morning with a smiling face, and it immediately makes an emotional deposit.

So, if you want to grow the Emotional Account balance, get into the habit of making regular deposits. I have listed a few possible deposits in this post, and if you look around, you will find numerous other ways to make deposits. Seize all such opportunities, and grow the trust balance in your relationships. The resulting improvement in quality of your relationships will make this effort worthwhile.

1 comment:

  1. Comment from Facebook: Very nicely written and a very useful thought identified very simply - Manish Nath


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