Karaoke with Life

Karaoke singing has become very popular all over the world these days. You can encounter people crooning into microphone accompanied by recorded background music almost anywhere - in shopping malls, parties, bars and restaurants, and even in homes. Most people do not remember the lyrics, so it also includes display of lyrics on a screen to help the singer. If you have tried doing it, you would agree that it helps you shed your inhibition and sing with ease and feel like a pro. Also a song performed with the background music sounds more complete.

However, most people who try Karaoke for the first time feel uncomfortable about their experience. They usually complain that the background music track is going too fast or slow, or is not in right scale. Why? As they sing in their normal style, they find that the music is not matching their vocals properly, and it feels as if the music track has some problem.

Usually, it does not come out good at first, and then you try again and it gets better. You keep trying repeatedly and finally it comes out right. You may have also noticed the importance of riyaz in good singing. If you try a song that you have practiced earlier, you get a better outcome. The music track remains same, then what changes the situation here?

After a few Karaoke sessions, you realize that the background music track has been created to play a pre-set pattern of tone and rhythm at a fixed tempo. To give her best Karaoke performance, the singer must match the music with correct notes and rhythm. The music does not adjust to the singer; she must adjust to the music. A great performance results only when the singer ensures a perfect harmony between the music and her singing.

Despite everything, not all songs will come out perfectly, so you learn to ignore such song and go to the next one.

You may wonder, this is good discussion on Karaoke, but what has this got to do with life? If you look carefully, The Karaoke experience has an important life lesson hidden in it.

At times, people tend to blame the world out there for things that do not go well in life. Do not expect the world or life to change for you. Change yourself, and you will find yourself fitting better in the world. No point focusing on what is wrong ‘out there’, as you cannot change it. Instead, spend your energy on how you can sing more in-step with life.

If things do not come out good at first attempt, try again and it should get better. Do not give up. Keep trying repeatedly and finally it will come out right. Learn to prepare in advance and you will encounter fewer disappointments. Finally, not all days will be equally good in life. Learn to accept setbacks and move ahead.

Learn to ‘Karaoke’ well with life, and it will give you years of happiness and fun.


  1. Wahhhhhh !!Such a nice description Sanjay ji .It's amazing thought .how u compare karaoke with life .....it's true v hv practice with kt so many times for perfection ,the same v should do for success in our life ....liked this article so much

    1. Thanks Shubha ji - this means a lot coming from a fellow singer and blogger like you.

  2. Great information dear bro.. Ty


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