Keep Driving

Sanvi was driving the car with her father in the passenger's seat, when they were hit by a sudden storm. There was dust everywhere, and it became difficult to see in the darkness.

"What should I do papa?", Sanvi asked.

"Let us keep driving.", replied the father.

You can imagine how difficult it was to drive in the storm, and it was getting worse every moment.

"Now what should I do?", Sanvi repeated her question.

"Keep driving. Go slow.", was the answer from the father.
As they went ahead, they noticed many drivers had stopped their vehicles, waiting for storm to subside.

She said,"I think I should stop now. I can barely see the road. This is a dangerous storm and other people have stopped as well."

Her father was calm as he said,"Do not stop. Keep driving."

Now the storm was on its peak, but Sanvi did not stop and kept moving ahead slowly. Suddenly she noticed that the visibility had begin to improve. A couple of kilometers further down the road, they were clearly out of storm, with no dust and bright sunshine in that area.

Her father said, "You may stop now and come out of the car."

"Why stop now?", asked Sanvi.

The father said, "When you come out, you will know that those who stopped due to the storm, are still stuck in the storm. You are out of storm now since you did not stop making efforts."

There are times when we face tough times in life - at work, at home, or in family. This little story is an inspiration for us in difficult times. Even the strongest people tend to give up when faced with insurmountable difficulties of life. Let us remind ourselves that this storm will pass if only we do not give up making efforts. Keep driving and the Sun will shine again in your life.

The following lines capture the inspiring message very well:

पार हुआ वो रहा जो सफ़र में, जो भी रुका घिर गया वो भंवर में,
तू ना चलेगा तो चल देंगी राहें, मंजिल को तरसेंगी तेरी निगाहें


  1. Wahhhhh,Sanjay ji ,very inspirational story ... Really inspired..


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