Choose Your Career Wisely

This is the time of the year again when results of various board and competitive examinations are announced. You will find a constant din of sky-high percentages and ranks around you. Students who clear the exam with modest marks often feel disappointment instead of happiness of success. Even if you scored less than expected marks, do not despair; instead focus on plans and actions that will help you do well in future.


First and foremost, relax. This isn’t the end of the world. Before making any impulsive decision in a disturbed state of mind, it is important that you sit back and give rest to your mind. Look at the reality of the situation. Stop feeling bad about your results, since this is not the only exam you are going to take; nor are you the only student who scored such marks.

Understand Reality

As much as we all consider marks to be the final verdict of a student’s capability, it is not true. While good marks do play a role in giving a head start to your career, in the long run your success in career is not so much dependent on this head start. Take time to understand your strengths, aptitude, interests, and passion. You can visit a career counseller or take an aptitude test to find out career options that are most suitable for you.

Avoid Comparison

Students and their parents must not compare themselves to their peers, as this really hits your morale badly. Remember, you are a unique and valuable individual on your own, and performance of others should not be a benchmark for you. Always remember to compete with yourself, try doing better tomorrow than what you did today. Stop lingering on this exams, and concentrate your energies on constructively preparing for next test. Explore ways to improve your performance and act on them in a step by step manner. This would ensure a slow and steady growth, both professionally as well as personally.

Be Open to New Age Careers

Gone are the days when students had limited career opportunities to choose from. Today, there are several other career paths that are at par with traditional enginnering / medical / MBA degrees. Consider new skill-based courses in journalism, music, arts, dance, graphic design, ethical hacking, fashion designing, content writing, blogging, social media management, app development, film making, etc. Start researching on each of these to find out the possible career options and required skill-set for them, and make an informed choice in keeping with your aptitude and interests.
To conclude, always remind yourself that your marksheet does not determine your true worth. Use this as a motivation to do better next time. Stay strong and prepare for your future with a clear mind.

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