Tips & Tricks for Positive Thinking

If you have been reading this blog, you know that positive thinking is really good for you and it can have a significant impact on your life. But, it is easier said than done. Thinking positive may not come naturally to everyone. There are situations when you can not bring up positive thoughts at will. To get that positive change in your life, it is important to make it a conscious effort. Here are a few practical tips on the small steps that help you move in the direction:

  • Whenever you find yourself getting negative thoughts, STOP them. Start thinking of a happy event or memory that will cheer you up.
  • Make positive statements. Instead of thinking or saying, "I can't do it" or "This is impossible", state positive affirmations like - "I will give it my best shot" or "I have so many things to be grateful about." This sends out positive vibes.
  • If you are feeling unwell and you tell yourself that you are going to be down with flu, chances are that it will come true! Your mind is more powerful than you think. So, stop thinking that you are going to fall sick. Experts have found that even Placebo effect can cure patients. A placebo is an experimental pill that contains no medicine given to patients in medical experiments. It has been found that patients taking it still report improvement, just due to the belief that they have taken medicine.
  • Down in the dumps or feeling low due to an illness? Visualisation is a great technique that will actually help you feel better. So, imagine yourself healthy and happy. When you visualise your thoughts, they send positive signals to your brain making you feel better.
  • Positive emotions like humor, friendship, and love are known to supercharge your health. Experts have always asserted that laughter is great for health. And life is full of humour only if you stop and experience it. Watch funny movies or TV shows. Try reading books and share jokes with people. You should also meet people who make you laugh. Laughter increases happiness, reduces pain, and heals you.
  • Catch up with friends. Surround yourself with genuine friends whose company is relaxing for you.
  • Help someone in need, and it will have a miraculous effect on your own feelings.
  • When you spend time in prayer and spiritual exercise, you attract positive vibrations to your side. Having faith goes a long way in making you a positive thinker. Prayer and meditation are good ways to connect to your spiritual side.

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