Don't Break the Strings

Here is an inspiring story with the message that we should never break away from our roots as they keep us stable while we fly high.

A father and son are flying a kite.

After some time, the son observes "Dad. Because of the string the kite is not able to go any further higher."

Hearing this, the father smiles and breaks the string.

The kite does go higher initially just after the thread has been broken off; but shortly after that, it begins to go down and finally falls on the ground. The child is very dejected and sad.

The father sits next to him and calmly explains to him,

"Son, in life we reach a certain level of prosperity and then we feel that there are certain things in our life that are not letting us grow any further like our roots, home, family, culture or friendship. We might feel that we want to break free from those strings and attachments that we believe are stopping us from going higher.

But, remember the lesson from the kite. Going higher seems easier at first, but a little later it is difficult to stay up without the string.

Friends, family and our roots and culture are the things that help us stay stable at the heights that we have achieved.

If we try to break away from these strings, we may become like the kite."

न कोई उमंग है, न कोई तरंग है
मेरी ज़िन्दगी है क्या, एक कटी पतंग है।

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